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Khunde Chamkang Restoration Project 2015 – For the physical, social and cultural restoration of Khunde

Thursday, June 18th, 2015
Damage to prayer wheel

Damage to prayer wheel

The earthquakes and aftershocks that recently shook Nepal caused considerable damage to many parts of the Khumbu, home of the Sherpas. The village of Khunde is Ang Temba and Yangzing’s home village. The sister villages of Khunde and Khumjung are places remembered fondly by BAI trekkers and climbers. Khunde suffered terrible damage to its monastery and to the beautiful stupas that welcome us to the village. The BAI community has already responded generously to help some of our Sherpa friends rebuild their homes. Now it is time to remember the community as a whole.

Damage to monastery and stupa

Damage to monastery and stupa

Normally, the local people would maintain these cultural monuments themselves, but due to their own dire situation, they are not able to do so. These cultural monuments are the foundations upon which the Sherpa community is built. The Sherpa people draw their sense of cultural and spiritual identity from these religious and communal hubs. So any further support towards the repair and reconstruction of these structures would be very much appreciated.

Damage in the village of Khunde

Damage in the village of Khunde

A message from the people of Khunde

Khunde Chamkang Monastery is located in the beautiful landscape of Khunde. Gyen Lama known as Tenzing Tsrultim initially founded the hermitage when he migrated to Khumbu from Sakya Monastery in Tibet.

Monastery in Khunde

Monastery in Khunde

Khunde Chamkang was established in hopes of preserving and fostering the ancient religious and cultural heritage of this location. Gyen Lama passed away in September 1993 leaving behind the Chamkang in incomplete condition. Over its lifespan, the Chamkang was extended several times.

Restoration committee in Khunde

Restoration committee in Khunde

Thus far, the restoration committee, which was formed after the earthquakes, has been successful in raising funds from the Sherpa communities worldwide including some organizations like Sir Edmund Hillary Foundation (SEHF), Himalayan Trust Nepal and we were able to do well in-terms of restoration of the Chamkang. The funds have been invested primarily in the first phase, which is the physical construction of the Chamkang.

There is much work to be done to the monastery

There is much work to be done to the monastery

However, because of the high cost for the labor and the materials that need to be imported from Kathmandu, the committee is still seeking more support from national and international institutions in order to complete the proposed plan.

KKERG’s Future Plan

The beginning stages of the building has begun

The beginning stages of the building has begun

Khumjung & Khunde Earthquake Rebuild Group (KKERG) is now seeking further support for the community buildings in these two villages. So far we have not seen any interest or resources allocated in the repair and reconstruction of cultural sites such as monasteries, Chorten, Manilhang and Mani walls from the government or aid organizations.

Berg Adventures Support for KKERG Cultural Site Fund

The generous donations from several BAI clients went directly to helping Khunde rebuild the structures. It has been a good start to the restoration process. Though it will be a long process, the immediate support from our trekkers and climbers is important in helping the village rebuild.

After receiving news about the support that the Berg Adventures community was sending to the village of Khunde, the people of the village were overwhelmed and extremely grateful. They would like to say THUCHEYE, thank you very much!

The village of Khunde says thank you!

The village of Khunde says thank you!

By sending our support to the village of Khunde we are giving the Sherpas hope for the future of their village, their people and their cultural and religious identities.

For the next few weeks, as the rebuilding begins, we will be receiving updates from Ang Temba and the people of the Khunde so we can follow their progress.

Once again the village of Khunde thanks all of you for the amazing support and they hope to see you soon!

Ubisoft Far Cry Team Announce Generous Matching Funds Offer to Aid Nepal

Wednesday, April 29th, 2015

It was only a few months ago that Will Cruz, The Berg Adventures Sherpa Team, Wally and Deirdre from BAI office, and our crack video team, Dave Morton and Tom Grimshaw, sat getting buried at Everest Base Camp during the October 2014 snows that blanketed Nepal. Will had just accomplished the Guinness Book of World Records highest altitude gaming record on the summit of Kala Patar. Gamers and adventure lovers from around the world were watching. “Far Cry 4” was about to be released and we were in Nepal to be on scene in advance of the release.

In recent days we have been getting messages and calls from the Ubisoft team worldwide. Offices in the US and Canada as well as the Corporate Head Office in Paris have contacted us. Ubisoft remembers Nepal!

We think this fund raising campaign is a superb way to contribute. Double your donated dollars for relief to Nepal!

Nepal Region Earthquake Fund – Ubisoft OTG Don

Great Memories

Monday, April 27th, 2015

From 2013, Todd Pendleton with Ang Tashi and Lakpa Dorjee. Ama Dablam View Lodge, Nepal. The spirit of love and optimism will endure in Nepal.

Please Remember Nepal

Sunday, April 26th, 2015

We want to report at the end of two long days that the Sherpa and other Nepalese friends that members of the Berg Adventures community know are fine. They have all communicated with us. Please feel free to contact us about anyone who you are wondering about, but know that if it is someone you trekked, climbed or toured with on a BAI trip in Nepal, they are well.

The two terrible earthquakes, with two separate epicentres, that occurred on April 25th and 26th, 2015, and the subsequent aftershocks, were perhaps inevitable. It has been known for many years that a quake at least as large as the 1934 event that destroyed the original Tangboche Monastery was a high probability event in Nepal. Many of our BAI clients who love Nepal will remember walking the narrow streets of Kathmandu and commenting “these buildings would crumble in an earthquake”. Some of these buildings did, including some of the priceless ancient temples of Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Patan Durbar Squares.

Most Nepalese people live simple, dignified but venerable lives. Whether you have been to Nepal before or not, you will also know that the spirit of Nepalese people and the kindness, grace and humility that they embody, shines through tragic times again and again. Life goes on.

Everest and the other supremely high and beautiful peaks above the Khumbu Valley draw us because of the sheer, unimaginably awesome power of nature. The are terrible, graceful, beautiful, endlessly life enriching places , and they can be fatal. The Sherpas know this religiously. Those of us with mountains in our soul sense it from deep within and are pulled back again and again to be renewed and to take spiritual nourishment, but we must also go with humility and remember that our motivations are our own; we are responsible for them.

Nepal has given so much to us and Nepal needs us now. Many people are reaching out and asking what can be done. We have some suggestions.

  1. Set some funds aside and determine that you will watch Nepal over the next 6 months to one year to see where needs are highest. In the meantime, Core International and The Juniper Fund (links below) are two organizations we know personally will put money to work to empower people to live lives with dignity and self worth. Small scale. International relief and rescue missions from India, US, China, the UK and many other countries are sending aid into Kathmandu at this time. These are already funded. If we know of a medical or housing situation that cannot be handled without support in the coming days we will identify it and post where you can help. But for now get ready for the long haul in terms of helping Nepal. The rebuilding will take years and the needs for development that existed before the quake will remain.
  2. Travel to Nepal. Sometime in the next two or three years if you can. If you have been before, return (you know you want to). If you have dreamed of going, go. Travel, tourism, culture exchange is one of the brightest things in Nepal’s future. You do not have to do a three week trek to Base Camp, although that is a wonderful trip if you can take the time. You do not have to go with Berg Adventures, you do not have to climb a mountain or raise money for a cause back home. Go for Nepal, go for yourself. Experience the people, learn and give.
  3. Watch the Berg Adventures Facebook page and our blogs at www.bergadventures.com. We will keep tabs on rescue, relief and rebuilding efforts, and we invite you to participate.

Berg Adventures Recommend Organizations to Help People of Nepal:

  • Core International
  • The Juniper Fund

Tien-Shen Mountains and Lenin Peak Base Camp

Thursday, February 19th, 2015
Camping on the banks of the majestic Lake Sary-Chelek

Camping on the banks of the majestic Lake Sary-Chelek

Perched high in the Tien-Shen Mountains of Central Asia is a region full of deep crystal lakes, great trekking passes and mighty mountain peaks. Lake Sary-Chelek Nature Reserve offers unique opportunities for trekkers to explore the high passes of western Kyrgyzstan.

Trekking through the Tien-Shen Mountain Trails

Trekking through the Tien-Shen Mountain Trails

Beginning in the ancient city of Osh, at the base of Solomon’s Mountain (UNESCO World Heritage Site), this Berg Adventures itinerary is designed to introduce you to this fascinating region of Central Asia. From the 3,000 year old city, famous for the oldest and largest Asian outdoor market, to the remote passes of the Tien-Shen Mountains, this two week journey will be unlike any other, offering stark and beautiful contrasts in scenery, from desert to alpine forests.

From the ancient city of Osh to the lush green forests of the mountains

From the ancient city of Osh to the lush green forests of the mountains

As an extension to the Tien-Shen Mountain expedition BAI will be offering a trip to Lenin Peak Base Camp. This 7,134 meter (23,400 feett) mountain is a towering gem of the Pamir Mountain Range, south of Osh.

Lenin Peak Base Camp in the morning light

Lenin Peak Base Camp in the morning light

Yaks and Yurts along the Silk Road! This is a superb opportunity to trek through two of the great mountain ranges of Asia, The Tien-Shen and the Pamirs.

We would love for you to join us on this special BAI expedition. For more information or to sign up for the memorable adventure contact us for details.

Trevor Stuart – “Elevating Lives, One Peak at a Time”

Thursday, January 15th, 2015

In just a few weeks Trevor Stuart, long-time Berg Adventures climber and philanthropist will be taking on an impressive challenge: climbing Aconcagua in support of YWCA Lethbridge District. Trevor’s campaign “Elevating lives, one peak at a time” is his effort to raise at least $250,000 for YWCA Harbour House and to raise awareness about family violence issues.

Trevor Stuart

Trevor Stuart

Trevor’s first climb of this campaign will be on the BAI Aconcagua expedition from January 22 – February 11. A climb to 22,841ft/6,962m will be a great challenge for this inspirational fundraiser.

Trevor has always been passionate about supporting those affected by domestic violence. “As a child growing up I didn’t know these resources were available. There is a bigger need to help families like I was raised in. There are more and more women and children coming to the YWCA every year, fleeing domestic violence. They need more funding to accommodate that”.

After his attempt on Aconcagua this next month Trevor will return to South America with BAI in June, to Bolivia to climb four impressive peaks. But his ultimate goal, which he has begun planning with BAI, Mount Everest in March 2016.

Help support Trevor in his efforts to climb these impressive peaks all for an amazing cause

Help support Trevor in his efforts to climb these impressive peaks all for an amazing cause

Donations can be made through the YWCA Lethbridge District website at: www.ywcalethbridge.org. The link will be under the tab called EVENTS on the website. Please take the time to read more about Trevor’s ‘Y’ and listen to his short YouTube video as well! You will get a great feel for who and what Trevor is all about.

To follow along as Trevor attempts these lofty summits check out Berg Adventures dispatch page for news and photos of his progress.

Periodization Training

Thursday, December 18th, 2014

All year personal trainer Terri Truman has been giving us great information on how to properly train for fitness and adventure goals. She is wrapping up the year with information on periodized training.

Read Terri’s article Periodization Training to learn how breaking your long term fitness goals into smaller, measurable sub-goals will help to make your aims much more realistic.

In 2015 Terri plans to embark on her next great adventure with BAI. Don’t forget to follow her in the New Year as she outlines her training programs and helps you prepare for the mountains.

Berg Adventures Gift Certificates

Thursday, November 27th, 2014

Are you looking for the perfect gift for that special someone? Berg Adventures has the perfect gift idea – the gift of adventure! Just specify the amount you wish to spend and we can send the gift cards to you or directly to your friends or family. All BAI gift cards are transferable and do not expire. If you already have one of our adventures in mind, just let us know and we can mail the gift card with an information package. After all we are always here ready to help you and yours prepare for your next great adventure!

Contact us for details!

Body Squats with Personal Trainer Terri

Thursday, November 27th, 2014

Terri Truman has been offering us amazing information on what to eat, how to stay hydrated and how to keep your core strong, all in preparation for her next level of training.

Terri is now ready to get you started with some great exercises to help motivate you and enhance your training program. These exercises will focus primarily on Quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes movement – hip extension and knee extension.

Read about Terri’s fitness routine in her article body squats. For more helpful fitness and training tips visit BAI’s Expedition Prep page.

Celebrate Berg Adventures Style!

Friday, November 14th, 2014

Are you looking for a special way to spend your next birthday or the birthday of a loved one? Berg Adventures knows how to celebrate, even in the most extreme places on earth – at Everest Base Camp, on the summit of Kilimanjaro and on the slopes of Aconcagua to name just a few of the extraordinary places. We always go out of our way to make your day unique and special!

What better way to enter a new year than with a unique or challenging adventure with your family? For a list of adventures that are great for the whole family, check out our list of suggestions.

Birthday celebrations in Ecuador

Birthday celebrations in Ecuador

Climbers and staff celebrate high on Kilimanjaro

Climbers and staff celebrate high on Kilimanjaro

It wouldn’t be a true celebration without birthday cake!

It wouldn’t be a true celebration without birthday cake!