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Archive for September, 2010

Meet us for a Photography Expedition in Patagonia

Friday, September 17th, 2010

Are you thinking about taking a week or two off this season? Why not join us for a once-in-a-lifetime Photography Expedition, and a condensed version of our 2010 Patagonia trip. Wally Berg, mountain guide and professional photographer, will guide you through some of the most beautiful, yet accessible, landscapes in Argentina and Chile. The opportunity for photography abounds.

In addition to the Patagonia itinerary, we also offer an additional 4-day trip to experience the historical beauty of Cape Horn.

Contact Kristy at kristy@bergadventures.com for more details and optional itineraries.

Wally capturing images of the glacier at Lago Grey

Wally capturing images of the glacier at Lago Grey

Unrivaled landscapes in Patagonia

Unrivaled landscapes in Patagonia

The Bergs Summit Kosciuszko!

Friday, September 10th, 2010

A quick trip down to Australia has put Wally Berg and Leila Silveira on the top of Mt. Kosciusko, They made the summit on September 7th and again on touring skis on September 8th. A few days of white-out conditions and sketchy snowpack were no match for these swashbucklers of the Seven Summits.

Fifteen years after climbing the Carstenz Pyramid in New Guinea (controversially considered by many to be one of the world’s Seven Summits), and ten years after completing that version of the Seven Summits by climbing Aconcagua in South America, Wally finally stood on the highest summit on continental Australia. “I finally climbed the Seven Summits,” says Wally, with an ironic grin. He adds, “Geography was my favourite subject in school…New Guinea is an island, but Australia is the true continent.”

Wally and Leila on their first day's summit.

Wally and Leila on their first day’s summit.

The Bergs on their second blue sky summit

The Bergs on their second blue sky summit

Wally on top of Kosciuszko, marking his fourth completion of the Seven Summits

Wally on top of Kosciuszko, marking his fourth completion of the Seven Summits

A Closer Look at Lukla Airstrip

Saturday, September 4th, 2010

If you have been following the international news, you have likely heard about the recent crash at Lukla Airport in Nepal that occurred on August 24.

Thousands of trekkers and mountaineers fly into the Tenzing-Hillary Airport in Lukla every year to begin their journey through the Everest region. To hear of a crash at Lukla is not surprising to many anxious flyers who are wary about what the History Channel has listed at the top of its “Most Extreme Airports” list. However, historically, incidents at the Lukla airport are rare. Very few planes attempt travel there during the monsoon season. Because of this, there have only been six previous incidents in the entire history of the airport, and only two of those involved fatalities.

Also, to clarify a little, the fateful flight on August 24th did not crash at the Lukla Airport. Due to heavy rains, the pilots had decided to turn around and head back to Kathmandu, rather than attempt a landing at Lukla. It was outside a small town about 50 miles from Kathmandu that the plane unfortunately went down.

All of us at Berg Adventures would like to send our thoughts out to the families and friends of the passengers and crew at this sad time.

Lukla airstrip

Lukla airstrip

BAI in the News: Outside Magazine Features Wally Berg

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010

Stephanie Pearson, a renowned sports and lifestyle writer from Outside Magazine, spent a few weeks this spring with Berg Adventures at Everest Base Camp while she compiled a series of stories for the magazine. Wally Berg, who led a successful summit of Everest this spring, and Stephanie got to know each other well during their days at base camp.

Stephanie Pearson

Stephanie Pearson

Stephanie’s official interview with Wally is now posted on Outside Magazine’s website here: http://outside-blog.away.com/blog/2010/05/everest-wally-berg.html