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The Infamous IT Band – Training Tips from Terri Truman

Wednesday, July 15th, 2015

Do you know what your iliotibial (IT) band is and how it affects your body? Terri is here to explain what your IT band is, how IT band syndrome is caused, and how you can treat the pain in her most recent article: The Infamous IT Band.

“IT band friction syndrome is a common source of knee and hip pain in athletes and is most commonly felt along the outside (lateral) knee and the lower thigh. IT band syndrome may also result in a nagging or acute pain on the outside of the hip.”

Be good to your body! Learn about the different ways you can protect your muscles and joints so you can have a more enjoyable time doing the activities you love!

For more great information on training for travel visit our Expedition Prep page where you can find tips from Terri and more.

Terri’s Adventure in Ecuador – Training: Phase Two

Wednesday, February 18th, 2015

Terri’s article on her second month of training for Ecuador features new exercises that will help you prepare for your activities in the mountains. Check out her article Training Program Month Two of Six.

When performing strength training exercises ALWAYS follow these important guidelines:

  • ALWAYS warm up (10 min full-body cardio)
  • ALWAYS use a neutral spine and never lock the joints
  • ALWAYS perform each exercise using your full range of motion
  • ALWAYS stretch after working out when muscles are most pliable
Sign up today to join Terri’s trip to Ecuador.

Sign up today to join Terri’s trip to Ecuador.

Contact us today about joining the expedition to Ecuador’s volcanoes from November 21 – December 05.

Happy training!