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Archive for February, 2014

Terri’s Travel Trips – Training for Travel

Wednesday, February 26th, 2014

Terri Truman is a personal trainer, adventure traveller and long-time Berg Adventures climber. Whether you are touring the streets of Kathmandu, planning a day hike or attempting the summit of Mount Elbrus, Terri is here to help you make the most of your next adventure.

Back in Business

Terri and her 2013 Mount Elbrus team climbing to the summit

Terri and her 2013 Mount Elbrus team climbing to the summit

As we look forward to our next adventure, how many of us forget to train the muscles that keep us upright and functioning. When you pick up your pack and sling it over your shoulder to start your training regime, should we not look at the whole picture, starting with a strong core?

So many of us complain of back issues. It’s not normally just one thing or event that causes your back to “go out”. Usually, it’s years of poor posture, lack of flexibility or poor movement or exercise mechanics that leads to back trouble. How many of us are weekend warriors and try to cram as much fun into a weekend as possible?

Having a functional and stable core will allow your body to move efficiently. The key function of the abdominal and back musculature is not to create movement of the spine but rather to act as a stabilizing muscular force allowing you to maintain spinal and pelvic positioning. Keeping your abs and back muscles strong and functional allow you to move fluently when your body is asked to move. Whether you are moving across rocky, unstable terrain, crossing a rapidly flowing river or shouldering your pack for a long day of travel, having a solid foundation will help you stabilize your body for the journey.

Terri descending from the summit of Mount Elbrus

Terri descending from the summit of Mount Elbrus

So, as you look towards your next adventure or just picking up a bag of groceries, don’t forget to treat your back with all the care and respect it deserves.

Go on, get out there…

‐ Terri

A Photo Recap of Our Aconcagua Expedition

Monday, February 24th, 2014

Our 2014 Aconcagua expedition has come to an end. Our team of international climbers from Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Canada, United States and Bolivia all travelled to Argentina with one goal in mind – to reach the top of the Western Hemisphere. The team faced many challenges from hectic travel conditions on their way over to the wild weather Aconcagua is known for. Our summit team braved heavy winds, polar like conditions at high camp and even got stuck in a snow-storm on their descent from the summit. But with the proper gear, great training and outstanding determination this group challenged themselves and stood on the summit of Aconcagua – 22,841ft (6,962m). Great job team!

Contact us today about climbing to the highest point in the Western Hemisphere on our next Aconcagua Expedition.

Aconcagua climber Rafael Etges captured footage of the climb on his Go Pro. Enjoy his awesome video!

The adventure begins! After many complications due to delayed flights and hectic weather Jean-Pierre arrives – still with a smile on his face and bags in hand!

The adventure begins! After many complications due to delayed flights and hectic weather Jean-Pierre arrives – still with a smile on his face and bags in hand!

There’s no better way to relax before a big climb then lounging poolside at the Park Hyatt and sampling some of Mendoza’s sparkling wine.

There’s no better way to relax before a big climb then lounging poolside at the Park Hyatt and sampling some of Mendoza’s sparkling wine.

The team is together at last and enjoying lunch at one of our favorite argentine restaurants .

The team is together at last and enjoying lunch at one of our favorite argentine restaurants .

Osvaldo, Maria, Sergio and Alex making sure we have all the right items to fuel our team for a successful climb.

Osvaldo, Maria, Sergio and Alex making sure we have all the right items to fuel our team for a successful climb.

An excited team of Aconcagua climbers!

An excited team of Aconcagua climbers!

Longtime Berg Adventure climbers and good friends Doc Martin from North Carolina and Dennis Comfort from Seattle travelled to Argentina together to stand side by side on this great mountain.

Longtime Berg Adventure climbers and good friends Doc Martin from North Carolina and Dennis Comfort from Seattle travelled to Argentina together to stand side by side on this great mountain.

Resting and reflecting on route to Confluencia Camp

Resting and reflecting on route to Confluencia Camp

Jean-Pierre enjoying Confluencia Camp

Jean-Pierre enjoying Confluencia Camp

Plaza de Mulas is a great place to spend our first few nights.  Climbers can enjoy many things at Base Camp and one of our favorites is the local Argentine wine!

Plaza de Mulas is a great place to spend our first few nights. Climbers can enjoy many things at Base Camp and one of our favorites is the local Argentine wine!

We even have movie night at Plaza de Mulas!

We even have movie night at Plaza de Mulas!

Simon at Plaza Canada – Our Camp I

Simon at Plaza Canada – Our Camp I

Martial and Marie-Jo enjoying Plaza Canada

Martial and Marie-Jo enjoying Plaza Canada

Rafael having fun at Plaza Canada

Rafael having fun at Plaza Canada

No matter what challenges she faces Margaret always has a big smile on her face!

No matter what challenges she faces Margaret always has a big smile on her face!

The team in our dinning tent at Plaza Canada

The team in our dinning tent at Plaza Canada

Enjoying pancakes and Canadian maple syrup at 4,910m(16,108ft)!

Enjoying pancakes and Canadian maple syrup at 4,910m(16,108ft)!

Arriving back at camp Cananda after a long day of hiking to our cozy North Face Tents and hot tea!

Arriving back at camp Cananda after a long day of hiking to our cozy North Face Tents and hot tea!

Wally calls into the Berg Adventures office in Alberta Canada to give updates on how the team is doing.

Wally calls into the Berg Adventures office in Alberta Canada to give updates on how the team is doing.

Life at camp isn’t always what it seems to be!

Life at camp isn’t always what it seems to be!

But we enjoy it anyways!

But we enjoy it anyways!

Osvaldo arrives at Nido de Condors camp to drop gear

Osvaldo arrives at Nido de Condors camp to drop gear

Arriving at Nido de Condors to find Maria had hot soup waiting to warm us up!

Arriving at Nido de Condors to find Maria had hot soup waiting to warm us up!

Waking up to polar-like conditions on Aconcagua. Wind and snow make for very challenging climbing conditions.

Waking up to polar-like conditions on Aconcagua. Wind and snow make for very challenging climbing conditions.

The team takes on very challenging weather to attempt the ultimate goal – reaching the top of the Western Hemisphere.

The team takes on very challenging weather to attempt the ultimate goal – reaching the top of the Western Hemisphere.

Our Aconcagua Summit Team knows the importance of proper layers. Marie-Jose, Rafael, Simon and Margaret along with their guides had very tough conditions during summit day and the proper gear was essential for their success!

Our Aconcagua Summit Team knows the importance of proper layers. Marie-Jose, Rafael, Simon and Margaret along with their guides had very tough conditions during summit day and the proper gear was essential for their success!

We are constantly reminded how great this mountain truly is! Until next year Aconcagua!

Share your Favorite Memories and Photos to Win

Monday, February 24th, 2014

In honor of Valentine’s Day, Berg Adventures would like to SHARE THE LOVE and we encourage you to help us! Each day for the rest of the month of February, we will be posting a favorite expedition photo or memory on our Facebook and Twitter pages. We encourage you to participate by posting your favorite memory or photo, or simply sharing something you LOVE about traveling with Berg Adventures. Share with us on our Facebook wall, on Twitter with the hashtag #BAIShareTheLove or simply send them to us via email to info@bergadventures.com. In March we will share some of our favorite submissions in our newsletter and on our website.

The best part? We’ve got prizes! On March 1, we will select three winners, one for each of the three prizes listed below. Each time you share something with us, we enter your name into the draw offering up to 5 entries per person. That means if you share 5 photos or memories, you earn 5 chances to win! Submissions will be accepted until 11:59 MST on February 28th.

The prizes include:

  1. A $300 Gift Certificate for a Berg Adventures trip
  2. Coming Home Descent of Everest poster signed by Wally Berg
  3. Ama Dablam Camp II poster signed by Wally Berg

See posters here in our online store.

If you prefer to keep your story or photo private, you can still participate and be eligible for a prize. Just share with us via email and indicate that you want to keep your memory private.

Thanks in advance for all of your submissions and don’t forget to watch our Facebook and Twitter pages to see our favorite memories too!

Lodges versus Camping in Nepal

Saturday, February 15th, 2014

We are frequently asked why we choose to stay in lodges instead of tents on the Everest Base Camp Trek. Some companies argue that camping offers more freedom and comfort. We maintain that this is absolutely not true in the Khumbu Region of Nepal and here is why.

1. Tea Lodges are an important part of the cultural traditions of Buddhist traders and pilgrims who have traveled between Nepal and Tibet for centuries. Lodge design today follows old traditions and reminds visitors of the rich history and culture of the region. Nearly all Sherpa lodges are constructed in a similar fashion following these long-standing tradition. The main room of the lodge is a large rectangular shape surrounded by windows with window seats and tables on three sides. In the middle of the room is a wood stove to keep the area warm. Traditionally, travelers and pilgrims slept on the window benches in these common rooms. Today, travelers stay in bedrooms located elsewhere in the main lodge or more commonly in adjacent buildings and the main room is used as the space for dining, socializing and relaxing.

The typical layout of a lodge along the trails to Base Camp

The typical layout of a lodge along the trails to Base Camp

The locals are always happy to welcome travelers.

The locals are always happy to welcome travelers.

Relaxing in our cozy beds in Namche

Relaxing in our cozy beds in Namche

2. A selling point companies use to promote tent treks is that the food catered to the group and the team has their own cook. Berg Adventures treats meals the same way any tenting trek does which means we do not buy our meals from our lodges. We carry all of our own dishes, utensils and cookware as well as all of our own food. We also bring our own cook and support staff who will expertly prepare three meals plus a large afternoon snack every day. By bringing our own staff and supplies we can offer a higher level of service and can control the food safety and hygiene of the meals we prepare. Plus, we provide a greater level of variety offering a mix of local dishes and comfort foods from home. Think of it this way, when you trek with us, you get the benefit of having expedition quality meals and you get to stay in lodges!

What a treat! Climbers enjoy a fresh home-made dinner from Yangzing and Jeyta’s famous apple pie for dessert after an ascent of Island peak.

What a treat! Climbers enjoy a fresh home-made dinner from Yangzing and Jeyta’s famous apple pie for dessert after an ascent of Island peak.

3. Relaxing in the warmth of the lodge dining room is a wonderful way to end a long day of trekking. While bedrooms are rarely heated in the Khumbu, the dining rooms are. These dining rooms are a great hub of activity where you get to mingle with climbers, other trekkers and locals too. When you camp, you can end up feeling secluded and really miss out on the camaraderie of traveling in Nepal.

Relaxing at the lodge with hot tea and snacks during one of our rest days

Relaxing at the lodge with hot tea and snacks during one of our rest days

Playing cards is a favorite pastime of trekkers spending much of their time in the lodges

Playing cards is a favorite pastime of trekkers spending much of their time in the lodges.

4. Wally Berg has been traveling to Nepal annually (often bi-annually) for over 25 years. During that time, he has developed close friendships with many lodge owners and other locals. This means you will be treated like family when you stay at or eat lunch in our carefully selected lodges. You’re not just part of any regular trekking team, your part of the Berg Adventures Team!

Climbers spending some quality time together outside of their lodge.

Climbers spending some quality time together outside of their lodge.

BAI guide Ang Temba and his wife Yangzing have always been a part of Berg Adventures treks to Base Camp. One of our favorite places to visit is their lodge in Pangboche where we are always treated like family!

BAI guide Ang Temba and his wife Yangzing have always been a part of Berg Adventures treks to Base Camp. One of our favorite places to visit is their lodge in Pangboche where we are always treated like family!

Join Berg Adventures in Nepal and see the difference for yourself. Upcoming trip dates for our Everest Base Camp Trek can be found here. If you’re looking for an added challenge, ask us about climbing extensions on Island Peak and Lobuche Peak. We also offer expeditions on Mount Everest and Ama Dablam.