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Archive for the ‘Patagonia’ Category

Travel Brings Family Together – Plan a Family Trip with Berg Adventures

Wednesday, August 7th, 2013

Nothing brings people together like shared experiences. Think outside the box and plan your next family reunion abroad for an epic experience you will never forget! Many of our adventure destinations are great for families, but we have a few that are particularly suitable for groups with a range in physical fitness levels, stamina, outdoor prowess and age.


Tanzania is a perfect destination for families. Those members looking for a physical challenge can climb Kilimanjaro and after the climb everyone can join together for an exciting wildlife safari through the Serengeti. Those wishing to forego the climb can simply arrive in Tanzania later or we can help them arrange alternate activities. Zanzibar is a great place for those family members who prefer beach to mountain and a cultural tour of the Kilimanjaro region is perfect for the more adventurous.

Families on top of Kilimanjaro

Families on top of Kilimanjaro

Close to the summit with a BAI guide

Close to the summit with a BAI guide

Fresh off the mountain after a successful climb

Fresh off the mountain after a successful climb

On safari post-climb

On safari post-climb


Patagonia is the region Chile and Argentina that makes up the southern tip of South America. This region offers some of the world’s finest trekking opportunities with a variety of options in intensity. On the Torres del Paine trek, we stay in comfortable mountain lodges instead of tents which will satisfy the family members who are not keen on camping. Furthermore, each day there are easy and extended hiking options so everyone gets the level of physical activity that they desire. Some days we even offer the option to travel by boat instead of by foot!

Trekking lakeside in Patagonia

Trekking lakeside in Patagonia

Looking back on the Torres del Paine

Looking back on the Torres del Paine

Loading into a boat in Patagonia

Loading into a boat in Patagonia


Berg Adventures Turkey itinerary is another that is well-suited to families. Our first two destinations of Istanbul and Cappadoccia are accessible to everyone. We will tour these two beautiful places to soak in the culture and the scenery. We will do some day hikes in the Cappadocia region, but there are always other alternatives such as a hot air balloon ride or a spa day. Finally we travel to Mount Ararat to climb Turkey’s highest peak. Not interested in the climb? The Turkish Riviera is a great place to relax while other family members sweat it out on the mountain!

Enjoying a rooftop dinner in Istanbul

Enjoying a rooftop dinner in Istanbul

Taking a break on Mount Ararat

Taking a break on Mount Ararat

Exploring in Cappadoccia

Exploring in Cappadoccia


Nepal is a fantastic family destination for those families keen on trekking. What makes trekking in Nepal different from climbing Kilimanjaro or trekking in Patagonia is that you are actually trekking from village to village so you will meet local families, visit schools, shop at a local market and even receive a blessing from a local monk. If you are concerned about the hiking abilities of all of your family members, we offer modified itineraries with shortened days and more down time. We crafted our Christmas Trek in Nepal with families in mind and have designed the trip to work with school schedules. December is a great time to visit Nepal because it is the sunniest and driest month in the Everest region!

Grandfather with granddaughter in Nepal

Grandfather with granddaughter in Nepal

Trekking to Base Camp

Trekking to Base Camp

A Note about Kids and Altitude

We are frequently asked about children at altitude and from our experience children are not affected any differently than adults. If anything children and young adults do better at altitude! On both Kilimanjaro and at Everest Base Camp we have had kids as young as 11 and adults as old as 75+ complete the climb/trek. If you’re not interested in an altitude climb, Patagonia is a good option for you as the highest point on the trek is only at about 3,000ft/915m.

Start Planning Today!

As is the case with all of our trips, if you do not see dates that fit your schedules we are happy to create or alter trip dates to better suit your family. Contact our office to start planning your family trip today!

Wally Berg to Speak in Halifax June 5

Tuesday, May 29th, 2012

Join Wally Berg and the Nova Scotia Nature Trust in Halifax on Tuesday, June 5 at 7pm for a presentation about Patagonia. Wally will share photos from his adventures, discuss conservation in Patagonia and walk through the itinerary of the NSNT fundraising trek taking place in February 2013. Following his talk is a showing of the film 180º South about the Patagonian adventures of climber Jeff Johnson. The event will take place at the Labatt Breweries Atlantic Beer Institute. See the event flyer for more details.

Join the Patagonia ‘W’ Trek for the Nova Scotia Nature Trust! Note that the dates have changed:

February 1 – 9, 2013

Visit the Berg Adventures NSNT Patagonia homepage for more details.

To find out more about other Patagonia adventures, visit our Patagonia homepage.

What’s Happening this Week at Berg Adventures

Tuesday, July 19th, 2011

Dr. Chet Sutterlin is in Russia with Wally Berg and their goal is to summit Mount Elbrus, a feat realized by our first 2011 Elbrus team last week.

Read the dispatches from Chet’s trip here: http://www.bergadventures.com/v3_cyber/2011/2011-07-15-mt-elbrus/main.php

Read the dispatches from the first team’s journey here: http://www.bergadventures.com/v3_cyber/2011/2011-07-01-mt-elbrus/main.php

Berg Adventures Elbrus Team 1 celebrates on the summit last week.

Berg Adventures Elbrus Team 1 celebrates on the summit last week.

The Bishop Family – Kim, Reed and Barry are on an adventure of their own. They are up in the air on a Sky Safari. What’s a sky safari? Well, you fly from location to location and you get to see the animals from the comfort of a plane as well as on the ground.

Follow their unique adventure here: http://www.bergadventures.com/v3_cyber/2011/2011-07-18-wildlife-safari/main.php

A hungry looking lion approaches the vehicle on safari in Tanzania.

A hungry looking lion approaches the vehicle on safari in Tanzania.

We’re also recruiting climbers and trekkers for our fall adventures! There is still time to sign up, follow the links below or contact Sara at our office for more information:

Explore Patagonia

October 14-30, 2011


Penguins on the Magdalena Islands are one of the many sights on our Patagonia adventure.

Penguins on the Magdalena Islands are one of the many sights on our Patagonia adventure.

Climb Ecuador’s Volcanoes

November 5-20, 2011


Imbabura Volcano is one of our acclimatization hikes in Ecuador to get us prepared for the even bigger, glaciated volcanoes.

Imbabura Volcano is one of our acclimatization hikes in Ecuador to get us prepared for the even bigger, glaciated volcanoes.

Trek to Everest Base Camp

October 8-31, 2011


Along the trail to Everest Base Camp there are many incredible sights.

Along the trail to Everest Base Camp there are many incredible sights.

Climb Loboche Peak in the Himalayas

October 8-November 3, 2011


The team takes a break to take in the stunning views while climbing Loboche Peak.

The team takes a break to take in the stunning views while climbing Loboche Peak.

Taking on Patagonia in Style

Friday, July 15th, 2011

Our Patagonia trip itinerary is new and improved! We visit the same spectacular locations, hike the same world renowned trails and stay in the same unique lodges, but this year we have reversed the order of the visit to give you more time to enjoy the sights and sounds of the region. From the penguin colonies of the Magdelena Islands off the southern end of South America to the jagged peaks of Torres del Paine National Park and the floating glaciers of Argentina’s Glacier National Park, you won’t want to miss a thing!

Jagged peaks

Jagged peaks

Trip highlights include: dining in the historic Jose Nogueira Hotel where Sir Ernest Shackleton negotiated the rescue of his stranded ship, touring by boat to Magdelena Island and to see the glaciers of Glacier National Park in Argentina, hiking along the highly regarded “W” Trek of Torres del Paine National Park, and trekking to the base of Mount Fitzroy. We would be pleased to also help you plan an extension of your trip to visit Antarctica or tour Buenos Aires, where our trip begins and ends.

Glacial lakes

Glacial lakes

Staying true to Berg Adventures form, we stay in gorgeous lodges, eat delicious food and travel with fantastic guides. Our Patagonia trip is perfect for people looking for a less strenuous adventure than many of our climbs and treks, or for people who just want to experience the wonders of Patagonia! It is also a great trip for fall when days are gray and growing shorter, because in Patagonia the flowers will just be starting to bloom and the days will be getting longer. We’d love to have you join us!

Scenic lodges

Scenic lodges


October 14 – 30, 2011

October 13 – 29, 2012

To get more information about the trip, please view our previous Patagonia expedition dispatches and visit the Berg Adventures Patagonia trip description page.

Meet us for a Photography Expedition in Patagonia

Friday, September 17th, 2010

Are you thinking about taking a week or two off this season? Why not join us for a once-in-a-lifetime Photography Expedition, and a condensed version of our 2010 Patagonia trip. Wally Berg, mountain guide and professional photographer, will guide you through some of the most beautiful, yet accessible, landscapes in Argentina and Chile. The opportunity for photography abounds.

In addition to the Patagonia itinerary, we also offer an additional 4-day trip to experience the historical beauty of Cape Horn.

Contact Kristy at kristy@bergadventures.com for more details and optional itineraries.

Wally capturing images of the glacier at Lago Grey

Wally capturing images of the glacier at Lago Grey

Unrivaled landscapes in Patagonia

Unrivaled landscapes in Patagonia

Find Paradise in Patagonia

Wednesday, February 24th, 2010

Berg Adventures has added a brand new Patagonia trip to our long list of amazing international destinations.

Towers in Torres Del Paine National Park

The glaciers, granite towers, lakes and grasslands of Patagonia in southern Argentina and Chile offer some of the premier adventure trekking in the world. From the rich and engaging culture of the city of Buenos Aires to the literal southern tip of the Western Hemisphere, the port city of Punta Arenas on the Straits of Magellan, this new Berg Adventures trip will traverse some of the earth’s most unknown and fascinating landscapes.

The heart of our trip will be the days spent completing the classic “W” trek in Chile’s Torres Del Paine National Park. Before reaching the UNESCO Bio Reserve of Torres del Paine, we will marvel at the oversized grandeur of Argentina’s Glacier National Park, where ice from the largest non-polar glaciers in the world spills into cold pristine lakes and where awesome spires such as Fitzroy pierce the sky. Our trip will end literally at “the end of the earth”, South America’s lands end at the edge of the Southern Ocean.

We are also considering the potential for an extension to the program that will involve a crossing of the famous Drake Passage and a few days of exploration of the icy landscapes and hardy wildlife of Antarctica. Stay tuned for more info on this amazing opportunity.

Learn more about the trip through our recent Patagonia exploration dispatches. Read the trip description and itinerary for more details.

For more information about this exciting trip, feel free to contact Leila or Kristy at our Berg Adventures office.