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Title image - BAI takes you to:  Kilimanjaro
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Kilimanjaro Expedition Dispatch

February 25, 2014 – The Kilibabes Plus One Arrive in Tanzania

We received a message in the office from Arnold today and he reported that the entire team has made it to Arusha and are ready to begin their Tanzanian adventure!

Today was the first day that the team spent together since George arrived last night around 10 PM. The group had a team meeting in the morning to meet their guides and discuss the details of their climb. The first order of business during their orientation was coming up with their team name and it didn’t take long for them to come up with a great one - “Kilibabes Plus One”.

Tomorrow Rose-Eve, Anne-Marie, Cindy, Cynthia, George and their entire Berg Adventures team will meet at the Park Gate and begin their climb of Kilimanjaro. Stay tuned as we post more stories and photos of Kilibabes Plus One’s journey to the top of Africa!

Berg Adventures guides Sprian, Emmanuel and Brian welcome the team “Kilibabes Plus One” to Arusha.

Berg Adventures guides Sprian, Emmanuel and Brian welcome the team “Kilibabes Plus One” to Arusha.

The team sits down for an orientation and gear check.

The team sits down for an orientation and gear check.

Getting excited for tomorrows climb!

Getting excited for tomorrows climb!