Kilimanjaro Expedition Dispatch
February 17, 2014 – Bharat Has Reached High Camp Below the Crater Rim!
Bharat Sumrat is an amazing man! Just a short time ago he was still in his home in Alberta dreaming about climbing high on Kilimanjaro. Only as this weekend began he was much lower on the great mountain, Kilimanjaro, dealing with some bad weather and wondering if he could make it higher.
But his positive attitude is prevailing, and along with his team, he has reached the highest camp below the Crater Rim at the top of Kilimanjaro. Bharat has now climbed to over 4 800 meters.
We have included some recordings of voice messages left by Bharat, as well as by his Alberta teammates Doug and Sheila.
Listen to Sheila and Bharat's call from Karanga Camp
Doug decided to walk off the mountain with some of the Berg Adventures staff on Saturday. He had decided to come to Kilimanjaro to support Bharat only 9 days earlier! Doug’s spirits now that he is back in Arusha are great. And he is not wasting his time while he waits for Sheila and Bharat to come off the mountain. On Monday he visited Arusha National Park.
Listen to Doug's call
Sheila, Bharat’s other partner in crime on this mountain adventure has remained on the mountain and she also sounds great.
The team crossed the notorious “Great Borranco Wall” on Sunday. This is always a challenging climb, but Bharat and Sheila along with their guides and porters did it on a rainy day, often in a thick and mysterious bank of fog.
Fredy, Berg Adventures lead guide for Bharat’s climb called in on Monday to report that the team is ready to climb for the Crater and the top of Kili tomorrow morning!
This is and exciting time, full of challenge, but also full of teamwork, strength and compassion. We know that the with Bharat’s inspiration and determination they will have a great time as they climb higher and higher toward the top of Africa.
Stay tuned for updates tomorrow.