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Title image - BAI takes you to:  Kilimanjaro
Why climb with Berg Adventures

Vicious and Delicious Kilimanjaro Climb and Wildlife Safari Dispatch

September 30, 2013 – Birthday Celebrations at 13,000ft

Today is Greg’s birthday!

Today is Greg’s birthday!

Dick and Terri

Dick and Terri

Barry along the trail

Barry along the trail

Dale and BAI guide Polite climb higher on the Umbwe trail

Dale and BAI guide Polite climb higher on the Umbwe trail

Betsy and John smile for the camera

Betsy and John smile for the camera

Nannette along the trail Susan and Todd stop for a photo

Left: Nannette along the trail; Right: Susan and Todd stop for a photo.

Big smiles from Susan, Barry and Nannette

Big smiles from Susan, Barry and Nannette

The team waves hello from above on the Umbwe Trail.

The team waves hello from above on the Umbwe Trail.

The guys relaxing together at our lunch break mid-way to Barranco today.

The guys relaxing together at our lunch break mid-way to Barranco today.

Berg Adventures Chief Guide Emmanuel Berg Adventures Guide Polite

Left: Berg Adventures Chief Guide Emmanuel; Right: Berg Adventures Guide Polite

Cyprian Cornel

Cyprian (left) and his twin brother Cornel (right) are always on BAI Kilimanjaro climbs.

By the afternoon of our second day we had climbed above the forest and reached the moorland life zone of Kili, with its beautiful Giant Senecios.

By the afternoon of our second day we had climbed above the forest and reached the moorland life zone of Kili, with its beautiful Giant Senecios.

Betsy arrived at her tent at Barranco Camp after a long but beautiful day of hiking on Kilimanjaro.

Betsy arrived at her tent at Barranco Camp after a long but beautiful day of hiking on Kilimanjaro.

Berg Adventures shower tent Berg Adventures shower tent

After two days of hiking Nanette enjoyed a shower at 13,000 feet in the Berg Adventures Shower Tent

What a place for Greg to enjoy his birthday with his wife Nancy!

What a place for Greg to enjoy his birthday with his wife Nancy!

Time for a birthday celebration mountain style! Singing and dancing on Kilimanjaro is always a great way to celebrate another year! Happy Birthday Greg!!

Time for a birthday celebration mountain style! Singing and dancing on Kilimanjaro is always a great way to celebrate another year! Happy Birthday Greg!!