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Title image - BAI takes you to:  Kilimanjaro
Why climb with Berg Adventures

Kilimanjaro Expedition Dispatch

June 28, 2013 – Patty’s Incredible Safari Experience

Hello, this is Patty calling in from the Safari. Right now I’m at the Lake Manyara, where we stopped for lunch. Wow, this has been an incredible journey! Yesterday we went to the Tarangire National Park where we saw zebras, elephants, impalas, warthogs, common water bucks, giraffes, mongoose, wildebeests and eagles. We saw many birds, my favorites were the Superb Starling, the Lilac Breasted Rollers and the Kingfishers, and they were incredible. We also saw vultures and dead trees waiting for death which was pretty eerie but cool. You could see where Disney gets all its material. Now we are on our way to the Ngorongoro conservation area via the highlands, which is on the upper edge of Lake Manyara National Park and it’s at the edge of the brick wall.

Again it’s been an incredible journey! My driver David is awesome and thank you Berg Adventures for continuing a, what I though couldn’t get any better, trip, but it has just stayed awesome. To my family, I’m doing great and I miss you all! The only thing that would make this better is if my children were here, Roy, and many of my other friends and family. Love you all, Bye bye!

Audio of Patty's call Listen to Patty's call

Elephants and zebras grazing together

Elephants and zebras grazing together

A giraffe says hello!

A giraffe says hello!

Wildebeests on the move

Wildebeests on the move

Patty’s enjoys watching the Lilac Breasted Rollers

Patty’s enjoys watching the Lilac Breasted Rollers