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Title image - BAI takes you to:  Kilimanjaro
Why climb with Berg Adventures


Philmont Staff Association and Friends Kilimanjaro Climb and Safari Dispatch

June 27, 2011 – The Serengeti Plain

In Swahili, “Serengeti” means “plains that stretch on forever.” We had a good taste of that today as we opened the roof hatches of the Land Cruisers and, from 7 a.m. until nearly 7 p.m., explored as much of forever as we could reach.

Leopard drags reedbuck remains up a tree.

Leopard drags reedbuck remains up a tree.

The Lynch-Lockwood-Archer clan drove with Godwin while the Nye family joined David in the other vehicle. Both naturalists again exhibited astonishing abilities to spot wildlife at long distances, in tall grass, and hidden high in trees. They enriched our day with their deep understanding of the ecology of the Serengeti and details about nearly every animal we saw.

The heavy overnight rains left the dry season plains momentarily lush, cool, and crowded. Soon we were watching cheetahs running down gazelles, a leopard dragging the remains of a reedbuck to the security of a high tree branch, and an elderly elephant, probably on the last of its six sets of molars, pushing over a tree to get at the soft leaves in the crown. The day continued with giraffes, baboons, hyenas, and a remarkable array of birds, from tawny eagles and Egyptian geese to lilac breasted rollers.

A midday layover at a park visitors’ center gave us an opportunity to stretch our legs and eat lunch in a place where we, ourselves, were unlikely to be eaten. An interpretive trail gave intrepid hikers a chance to learn more about the Serengeti and the great migration patterns that give so much character to the region.

We arrived back at the Serengeti Sopa Lodge at dusk, just in time to clean up and enjoy a last meal together around a big dining room table. The wait staff enlivened the evening with song, and we realized that this fantastic Berg adventure that began several weeks ago at a trailhead to Kilimanjaro is entering a new phase tomorrow as people go their separate ways for more discovery on their journeys back to their homes. It has been a terrific time, full of new and rekindled friendships, the success on the mountain, and the rich experiences in Tanzania’s national parks and reserves.


Serengeti Hippo

Serengeti Hippo

Baboon keeps its feet dry while crossing a stream.

Baboon keeps its feet dry while crossing a stream.

Cape Buffalo

Cape Buffalo

Cheetah brothers perched on a termite mound scan for breakfast.

Cheetah brothers perched on a termite mound scan for breakfast.

Lilac breasted roller

Lilac breasted roller