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Title image - BAI takes you to: Mt. Everest

Jamie Clarke’s Expedition Hanesbrands Everest Dispatch

April 11, 2010 – Photos of Our Pooja Ceremony

We had our pooja ceremony early in the morning on April 11th, a day deemed auspicious by the lamas.

We had our pooja ceremony early in the morning on April 11th, a day deemed auspicious by the lamas.

A Chumo, a scared bird of the Himalayas, always arrive when we do pooja.  In this case one has landed on the top of the Prayer flag pole before it is even completely raised. Chumo perched on our prayer pole, a very auspicious sign.

Left: A Chumo, a scared bird of the Himalayas, always arrive when we do pooja. In this case one has landed on the top of the Prayer flag pole before it is even completely raised.; Right: Chumo perched on our prayer pole, a very auspicious sign.

Close up of a Chumo

Close up of a Chumo

The flag goes up!  Near the end of the pooja ceremony our prayer flag pole is raised over our chorten.  The chorten will stand as the center of our base camp throughout the expedition.

The flag goes up! Near the end of the pooja ceremony our prayer flag pole is raised over our chorten. The chorten will stand as the center of our base camp throughout the expedition.

At the closing of the pooja ceremony, Tsampa flour is spread on the faces of team members and guests for blessing and good fortune.  Climbing Sherpas Pemba Dorjee and Nwang are blessed at the pooja ceremony.

At the closing of the pooja ceremony, Tsampa flour is spread on the faces of team members and guests for blessing and good fortune. Climbing Sherpas Pemba Dorjee and Nwang are blessed at the pooja ceremony.

Jamie being blessed

Jamie being blessed

Mingma Sherpa with a butter offering at pooja The lama working in front of our chorten

Left: Mingma Sherpa with a butter offering at pooja; Right: The lama working in front of our chorten

Dr. Luanne Freer, our next door neighbour  at the base Camp ER Clinic, came over to join us for pooja and received her tsampa flour blessing.

Dr. Luanne Freer, our next door neighbour at the base Camp ER Clinic, came over to join us for pooja and received her tsampa flour blessing.

Near the end of the ceremony tsampa flour is spread on faces for good luck.

Near the end of the ceremony tsampa flour is spread on faces for good luck.

Temba, Jamie and Kami share a toast at the end of pooja.

Temba, Jamie and Kami share a toast at the end of pooja.