Explore Greenland with Berg Adventures – Trip Itinerary:
Day 1 & 2 - International Flights to Reykjavik, Iceland, with connections on Iceland Air for the city of Akureyri, on the Northern Coast.
Day 3 - We spend a day enjoying this fascinating and lovely small city. We will pack and organize our gear, spend time as a team planning our adventure, and savour our last civilized pleasures before we return to Iceland in 12 days time.
Day 4 - We load our Twin Otter, and after one refueling stop at Isjfoour, in the Fjords of the NW Coast of Iceland, we hop across the Denmark Strait flying over the fabulous scenery of Coastal Greenland. Our ski plans lands us in the vastness of the glacial interior of East Greenland, after about three hours of flight.
Day 5 - 7 - Tents go up near where the plane lands on the first day. One more day is normally spent digging in a deluxe base camp in the glacial snow, and taking short easy ski tours to get to know our area. We usually do a warm up climb on a small peak close by.
Day 8 - 10 - Ascent of Gunnbjornsfjeld, Highest Peak above the Arctic Circle.
Day 11 - 14 - We might move camp to explore a new basin, climb one of several named peaks in the area, or pick an unclimbed peak using our aerial photographs of the region along with the climbing records and exploration records we obtain from the Danish Polar Center. With our satellite phone we are able to keep the pilots back in Iceland informed of our location should we decide to move.
Day 15 - Pick up and flight back to Akureyri via Twin Otter
Day 16 - Flight from Akureyri to Reykjavik, Iceland. Most climbers choose to stay one night in Reykjavik to enjoy this beautiful, historic city. Those on tighter schedules can connect with flights back to North America on this day however.