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NSNT Expedition for the Earth Trekking in Iceland Dispatch

September 14, 2016 – The Wild Beauty of Iceland

Today was Nova Scotia Nature Trust team last full day together in Iceland. After a satisfying and sometimes rigorous 5-day trek through the Fjallabak Nature Reserve, we toured some of Iceland's more well-known natural attractions, including Gullfoss Waterfall.

During our trek, before we started our hike every morning, it required a careful planning. Here Rene and Icelandic guide Thora check our route on a map at one of the huts

During our trek, before we started our hike every morning, it required a careful planning. Here Rene and Icelandic guide Thora check our route on a map at one of the huts

Laura interviewing with Don Connolly on CBC Information Morning.

Laura interviewing with Don Connolly on CBC Information Morning.

We visited Gullfoss, which had been a recreation and scenic area in Iceland since the 1870's.

We visited Gullfoss, which had been a recreation and scenic area in Iceland since the 1870's.

Gullfoss Waterfal

Gullfoss Waterfall

Happy Birthday Henry

Happy Birthday Henry "Pops", with Susanna and Michael on his 70th birthday, at the specular Gullfoss Waterfall in Iceland

Sigridur Tomasdottir, pioneer of appreciation of Wild natural beauty in Iceland. She is the woman who maintained the first trail for tourist to appreciate Gullfoss Waterfall

Sigridur Tomasdottir, pioneer of appreciation of Wild natural beauty in Iceland. She is the woman who maintained the first trail for tourist to appreciate Gullfoss Waterfall