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Title image - BAI takes you to: Everest Basecamp
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Hanesbrands International and Friends of Jamie Clarke EBC Trek Dispatch

May 19, 2010 – Back in Namche

This is Temba calling from Namche. After being separated for a couple of days, the whole group of Jamie's friends is all together again in Namche tonight. It is great to catch up on news, especially the exciting news of Jamie Clarke and Scott Simper making it to the summit of Everest. Everyone is really happy for them and glad to have been even just a small part of Jamie's success.

Tomorrow our group will head down to Lukla with mountain guide Leila Silveira and the Berg Adventures Everest Base Camp Team. I will be heading back up to Base Camp to help the other members of the group who are still up high, like Charlie Stack and Wally's crew.

Everyone's feeling great to be back in the thick air of Namche, and the warm weather is a real treat after being up high at Base Camp.

Talk to you soon!

Looking back up the trail as we reach Namche.

Looking back up the trail as we reach Namche.

Sherpas are carrying building supplies past us up the trail where they are building a new lodge.

Sherpas are carrying building supplies past us up the trail where they are building a new lodge.

It is springtime again, now that we're back at

It is springtime again, now that we're back at "low" altitude.

Namche welcomes us.

Namche welcomes us.