Kilimanjaro Expedition Dispatch
September 9, 2008 – Ginny Makes Contact with the Bushmen
Hi this is Ginny. Today was a very adventurous day, one I will probably never forget! We went out early and caught up with a local guide who took us to the Bushmen. We followed them while they were out hunting with their bows, arrows and spears. Unfortunately they didn’t find anything except for a Boababs tree that had some bees in it so they did take some honey out which they shared with the rest of us. Then we went back to where they were staying and they performed a ceremony dance.
After lunch we walked around Lake Eyasi and Elias made arrangements for me to go out on a canoe with a couple of local fishermen which was pretty exciting!
We are now watching flamingos and just enjoying this great day! Who knows what I’ll be doing tomorrow!