January 3, 2007 – Nacos Family Reaches the Summit of Kilimanjaro

This is Christina Evanson of the Nacos family trip of Kilimanjaro.  It’s been a couple of days since our last dispatch so we want to fill you in.  Last time we called in we were at Karanga camp at 13,900ft and we then hiked up to Kosovo camp that day in some snow and rain of course about up to 15,700ft and there was a couple feet of snow there.

Because of all the snow, more than the guides have seen since 1980, the guides decided to not camp in the crater and instead summit the next day and return to Kosovo camp.  So yesterday we headed up in the morning and made summit by about 1:00pm, all of us were there, it was beautiful.  We were by ourselves, there was a lot of snow and lots of sun, it was gorgeous.

We came back down to Kosovo camp and we decided to cut the trip a day early and head down from Kosovo camp down to the base of the mountain.

This is Lauren with the Nacos family trip, continuing on from what Christy said.  The day that we did the hike to Karanga camp I think was our hardest day.  We had gotten a foot of snow that night, so we hiked through snow then down through a waterfall, then up a giant wall which was hard.

The summit was great it wasn’t as hard as we expected. The day before when we were coming to camp we saw a lot of people coming down saying they didn’t make it.  We could see they were stumbling and their eyes were glazed over as they were hanging on to their guides for support.  So we were really nervous when we saw them but like I said it wasn’t as hard as we expected and came down with strong legs.

Our guides were great and helped make sure we all got up to the summit.

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