June 20, 2006 - Getting a 'Sweat On' at Isle del Sol

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Illampu Massif across Lake Titicaca

Hello everybody to those that are following our Bolivia 2006 adventure.  It’s June 20th and I’m calling from Isle del Sol in Lake Titicaca.  At mid-morning today we took a pleasant boat ride east of Copacabana to a peninsula where we were all anxious to get a ‘sweat on’ as Steve Slaughter put it, and we did.  The team moved really well on rugged terrain and on the trails.  We topped out at 4074 meters or 13,370 feet. 

Steve Slaughter is anxious to get a ‘sweat on’ during the hikeThe team boarded the boat again for a short passage over the water to Isle del Sol and visited the fountain of youth.  We then made our way over to a local restaurant where we all enjoyed a traditional atapi meal.  This consists of steamed vegetables and several types of potatoes which are not immediately recognized as potatoes but are tasty none the less.  The meal was rounded out with king fish and fried chicken, everyone had smiles on their faces and now have full tummies.  It’s definitely a treat when we come to this part of the world.

Now our team is heading over to an Inca temple that overlooks a breathtaking view of Lake Titicaca with Illampu Massif on the horizon.  Our team continues to acclimatize very well.  Being the energizer bunny he is, Opus Veres even made a short sortie to the top of Calvary Hill (Cerro Calvario) which overlooks Copacabana.  And I know our team is ready for the mountains.

Views around Lake Titicaca

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