October 8 – We Reached the Summit !

Hello, this is Brittany and it is the 8th of October and I’m calling to let you know that Cami and I with the help of our guides Nicholas and others have made it to the top of Kilimanjaro!!  We are now back at our high camp and here is Cami with more detaills...

Our climb this morning was exhausting and we were very tired but really thrilled to have made it.  Yesterday was a perfect day, we started out in the rain a little bit but then it just became very sunny which was exciting and we saw Kibo peak many times so we felt that it was a good omen and that we would be able to make a successful summit today which we did.  We are now headed back to lower camp and we head out tomorrow off the mountain so we will continue to give you updates and give you a little more details later.