June 23, 2007 – Underway in Arusha

Jack Hanna and Us
"Jack Hanna and us"- Colin, Sue and Jim make our way from London to Addis Ababa-Ethiopia with a few new friends including Susie and Jack Hanna - famed biologist who make regular appearances on David Letterman and who was on route to Rwanda to work with a film crew to produce a TV special for the Discovery Channel.

This is Jim Barr phoning from Arusha, we have arrived here in Tanzania; Colin, Sue, Kim and Rob. We just sat down with our head guide for orientation, we are like a kid in Christmas right now, and is tomorrow morning we will start our ascent of mountain Kilimanjaro.

Climbing Briefing

We are sitting here with our new friend Steve Nipper, who just came off the mountain, and gave us some great insights, of some of the eco systems, some of the adventures, some of the scenery and some great tips for us to take in over the next couple of days so that we can make a successful summit of the Africa’s highest volcano.

We had a great flight, it was a long one for Colin, Sue and I, but we finally arrived this afternoon. We had a great flight over Mount Kilimanjaro.  We got to see the mountain

Now it is less than 12 hours for starting our ascent of Kilimanjaro,. Stay tuned to our dispatches,   we will have lots to share and lots of great stories and we will talk to you soon.

Sue Lambert is stoked to have finally arrived at Kilimanjaro International Airport

The Sun's Climb for Kids Presented by Edmonton Airports supports Big Brothers Big Sisters in-school mentoring program.  Please support by becoming a volunteer and/or hit your back browser to make a donation to one of Canada's leading children's charities.

Thank you to the sponsors of this project including The Edmonton Sun, Edmonton Airports, Campers Village, SHAW TV, Canada Safeway, Magic 99 FM and Berg Adventures International.

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All Text, Images and Audio Files © Berg Adventures International 2007