June 30, 2007 – Dennis Finally uses his Tripod for Ngorongoro Sunset

Doc, Susan and David, BAI famous safari driver, enjoying showing his friends one of his favorite places in the world.

BAI groups always get up early and drive through the gate into Ngorongoro Crater before first light.  It is cool – quite cold actually – as we drive past the gate at nearly 8,000 feet above sea level and descend in to the wild action of the Crater.  We already have the top up David and Magji’s vehicles knowing that soon we will be seeing something worth stopping to view.

This morning the firt thing we saw was a lioness with her two cubs.  After seeing the leopard with 4 cubs in Serengeti we felt lucky to know that we had found cat mothers with their families so easily on this safari.

The team taking photos at every opportunity

Later in the morning we sat parked by the salt water Magadi Lake and watched flamingos, jackals, wildebeests and hippos go about their business in perfect morning light.  Caroline saw much of her very favorite animal, the hyena.  Each hyena she saw reminded her of “Bob”, an old friend from safari adventures years ago whose photo still hangs on her office wall.

Around 9:00 AM we stopped for a picnic breakfast at a favorite spot of Doc’s and mine, a freshwater lake fed by springs near the Gorigor Swamp. 

Before we left the Crater we finally saw our first male lions, two young males were starting to look very hot in the late morning sun.

Just as we were beginning to think of lunch at our lodge up on the cool rim of the crater, we found a solitary female lion that was obviously on the hunt.  She walked along beside our land cruisers for a while with her eye on a Warthog off in the distance.  In the end the warthog got away and we made it back to the rim of the crater for a late lunch.

As the sun set in the evening, Dennis was seen out on the deck of our lodge, finally using the tripod he’d brought all the way from Seattle to photograph a Ngorongoro sunset.

We put our top up on our  vehicles knowing that soon we will be seeing something worth stopping to view

All Text, Images and Audio Files © Berg Adventures International 2007