One Team – One Mountain:

Berg Adventures Everest Expedition 2006
Sherpa Support Team

Expedition Sirdar & Trek Guide: Ang Temba Sherpa

39 years old from Khunde, married with two kids (one boy 15 yrs, one girl 17 yrs)  First came to Mount Everest in 1987 immediately after graduating high school.  Worked for Mountain Travel, Nepal.  Went to Lhotse with Messner in 1989.  Went to the Summit of Mount Everest in 1991 on the first all Sherpa Everest Expedition, continued climbing until 1998 and then conducted operations from basecamp.  Participated in climbs of many trekking peaks, including Cholatse.  Opened a trekking lodge in Pangboche in 2000.  Extensive travel to the UK, Greece, Bangkok, Hong Kong and Germany.  Yearly trips to either Japan or the USA.

Ang Tshering: Base Camp Manager

Ang Tshering is our Base Camp Manager.  Besides keeping a daily eye on the movement of all supplies up and down the mountain as well as from down the valley, his skill as an electrician are especially useful to us.  Ang Tshering is currently on leave from his regular job with the K.B.C., the local electrical cooperative of the Sherpa people in the Khumbu.  Here at Base Camp he keeps our solar system as well as our back-up kerosene generator up and running so that our radios, computers and sat phone are all working.  Not to mention the movies!  Ang Tsering and his wife live in Khunde with their two children, ages 6 and 4.  He is 34 years old.

Shyam Pun: Base Camp Cook

Age 41. Home Village Magdy near Dhalagari, in Central Nepal.

Shyam was first on an Everst expedition with Wally Berg in 1989.  In the years since he has proven himself time and again. His excellent meals, prepared with an eye to the variety that will appeal to Western tastes are always a big success, even on Everest expeditions which can last more than two months.  In 2003, Shyam was Camp II cook for BAI.  At that time he stayed for 46 consecutive days at the 21,000 foot camp without coming down!  This year we are using Shyam’s talents as Base Camp chef and he has not disappointed out team.  His moist chocolate cakes and his fresh apple pies are just two of his more popular dishes.

Phu Dorjee: Nepalese Kitchen Cook

Here at Base Camp we operate two full kitchens.  Our large Sherpa and Nepalese Staff, as well as the porters and yak drivers who arrive daily have huge appetites!  And they love their own food, not the preferred dishes of the American and Canadian climbing team.  Phu Dorjee keeps them all happy with excellent Dal Bhat, Curries and Sherpa Stew dishes.  Phu Dorjee is 53 years old.  He and his wife live in Khunde and they have two children. 

Tashi: Lama and Kitchen Helper

You may recongnize Tashi from photographs taken at our Pooja, or blessing ceremony.  He is 42 years old and has spent a total of 16 years studying in monestaries at Tangboche and in kathmandu.  The rest of the staff comment that he continues to study here at Base Camp; he can be seen studying sacred books almost every day.  Although he is a working Lama, Tashi is not a monk.  He and his wife live in Pangboche and they have three children, ages 14, 12 and 10.

Jetta Rai: Trek Guide, “Special” Porter

Jetta Rai’s home village is Bung, to the east of Everest.  The large village is typical of Jetta’s people, the proud Rai.  It is more than 3000 feet from the lowest houses in Bung to the highest houses, so it is no wonder that Jetta and many of his friends are known as the strongest porters in all of Nepal. 

Jetta has distinguished himself many times in recent years as “Special Porter” for Wally Berg.  A special porter is the fellow who carries Cameras, Computer and Sat phone as well as the trek groups medical box.  This year he has been invaluable as a trek guide and messenger, more than once he has made quick trips to and from Base Camp with a message or a dispatch on floppy disk.

Jetta is only 20 years old and he has a wife and one young child waiting back home in Bung.

Pemba Sherpa: Trek guide, Kitchen Boy, Mail Runner

Pemba is from Salari in the Solu region below Everest.  He is 24 years old and single.  His sure smile and ready, helpful spirit make him a favorite of Berg Adventures trekkers and climbers.

Kar Bahadur Rai: Trek Support Staff

Kar Bahadur is 20 years old and is from the village of Sontang, between the Khumbu and the Arun Valleys.  He has a wife and one year old child waiting back in Sontang.

Kancha Rai: Trek Support Staff

Kancha Rai is 20 years old and is also from the famous Rai village of Bung.  He says that he is happy to be a single man. He has worked many times in the past for BAI as special porter and camp staff.

Min Bahadur Magar: Trek Guide

\Min is Berg Adventures top trek guide.  He and his wife and two children live in Kathmandu, but each trekking season he can be seen along the trails of the Khumbu with BAI groups.  He is well known and well liked by all the Sherpas of the Everest Region, where once he is seen everyone knows that Berg groups are back again.  He is particularly well known for his sense of humor, often playing practical jokes with his trek mates.

Dilli Magar: Trek Support Crew

Dilli Magar is from Sangboche – Khumjung.  He lives near the famous airstrip and heli pad above Namche.  He is 28 years old and has a wife and three children, ages 9 years, 5 years and 3 years waiting back home. 

Nima Sherpa: Trekking Guide, Mail Runner

Nima is 22 years old and is from a small village in the Solu region of Nepal call Chyangba.  He is single and now lives in Kathmandu.  Nima has been a constant on Berg Adventures treks and climbs since 2002.  He distinguished himself as an exceptionally fast mail runner on our 2003 Everest climb. One of his goals is to become a climbing Sherpa.  He has attended both English language school and a basic mountaineering course under the sponsorship of Leila, who he fondly calls “Mom”. 

Phura Sumje Sherpa: Yak Girl

Phura is single and she is 21 years old.  She is from the village of Khunde.  She works hard bringing the pack animals into Base Camp for our resupplies and she is always welcomed when she arrives.  She is quiet, polite and very modest, but she is obviously a young woman who knows how to take care of herself and her animals as she travels the snowy trails of the upper Khumbu Valley.

Nim Phuti Sherpa: Yak Girl

Nim Phuti is from Khunde.  Her late husband Lakpa was an important member of the 1982 Canadian Everest Expedition and he went to the summit of Everest with Pat Morrow.  Nim Phuti and her children live in Khunde and her warm mirthful smile is well know to BAI trekkers; she always comes along on our trip with her pack animals.

Tapchn Lama: Trek Guide, Camp Worker

Tapchn lives in the village of Shomare, which is between Pangboche and Pheriche along the trail to Everest.  He is 26 years old and his wife and two children are waiting back in Shomare.  He has a 3 year old child and his youngest is only 9 months old.

Mohan Rai: Trek Guide, Camp Worker

Mohan is from the famous Rai village of Bung.  He is single and is 23 years old.  This year he was a very special staff member to our second Base camp support trek.

Tshering Tashi: Trek Guide and Special Porter

Tshering Tashi is from the village of Khunde.  He is single and is 25 years old.  On the trek to Base Camp this season he distinguished himself as Wally's "special porter" – the guy who carried cameras, computer and sat phone and was always available when needed.  Now is an outsanding trek guide and staff member for our second Base Camp Support Trek.

All Text, Images and Audio Files © Berg Adventures International 2006