November 6, 2007 – Reached Pheriche and Signs of Altitude Sickness

Crossing one of many bridges along our journey

This is Leila reporting from Pheriche 14,000 feet. Yesterday we hiked from Pangboche, which turned out to be almost like a rest day.

We had the morning off, some of us took advantage of it by visiting the Tengboche Monastery; the oOur sunshine for the cloudy daysldest in the Khumbu Valley. Having had the opportunity to visit a monastery, we met with Lama Geshi. It is always a treat not only is he a very religious man, he also has a deep knowledge of the Buddest culture.

Yesterday the …[ lost transmission ]

Back to the lodge before we started our hike, we checked the oxygen saturation of our entire team. I am pleased announce the results, everyone was between the high 80 - 90 which means our acclimatization strategy is really paying off.

The hike to Phulaji will be enjoyable currently... [ transmission lost ] …hiking inside the clouds. The weather has been very foggy but at least it is not raining. No mountain views yet today. I can’t wait for the weather to clear up and everyone can see all of the amazing mountains surrounding us.

Meanwhile the stories of the group are getting more entertaining. Hearing about Darren’s Italian side of his family, which by the way my special compliments to Mrs. Farlow, Darren must have been a full time job as a child.

The Italian troublemakerAs you can see we are quite a diversified group. They always have something interesting to say and we sure enjoy eachother's company.

Now at 14,000 feet we have started see a few headaches showing up because of the altitude. This is pretty common so no concerns. Roger with his slow pace hasn’t had any problems with altitude. The slower you go the better for high altitude sickness.

Today is a rest day at Pheriche and everyone has been looking forward to it. Some reading, a small hike, trip to HRA to listen to their daily lecture on high altitude, these are all on our schedule.

All Text, Images and Audio Files © Berg Adventures International 2007

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