December 27 – Over the Barranco Wall

We have just received a very garbled and weak transmission from Steve and Joey (“Joe-man”) Coz at the Karanga Camp at 13,100 ft.  Today the guys went over the Barranco Wall and we could tell it made a big impression.  Although most of the call was unintelligible Steve could clearly be heard to say at one point that the narrow paths through the rock “hung out over oblivion”.

The team is resting now as evening comes to the Karanga Valley . Tomorrow night they will be at high camp, preparing to leave on their summit attempt in the middle of the night.  We love Steve’s descriptive accounts of the terrain on Kilimanjaro and will count on tomorrow’s phone call being clearer.

Meanwhile… back in Arusha. Bill called in from the hotel to report that he and Tierney have decided to join Valerie, Emma and Katie on the first portion of their safari.  As we post this Nicholaus and the rest of our office staff is frantically working to secure last minute bookings at the safari lodges to make this happen.  We will update tomorrow to let you know if they were successful and where each member of the Coz – McCauley crew is spending the night in Africa .