December 25 – Sparks Fly and Christmas Memories are Warm as Team Reaches High Camp

Hi, this is Annette calling; I am calling on behalf of our team today, taking over from Sharon . Last night we went to bed and somebody on our staff must have had their radio on and we could hear Christmas midnight mass music over the radio and it really hit home to us. It was a great way to celebrate this Christmas.

We woke up this morning and of course as usual it was bright and sunny on Kili. The view of Kili above us as we looked up spoke for itself and this view seemed to be beckoning us. We left Karanga camp and we began walking up – of course up – and we had a good steady day. We have met a nice family from Ohio , a man and his two children. And you know all of us observed that sparks began to fly between Sandy and the father. And lo and behold couple of hours later we happened upon their camp and I, Annette, went into matchmaker mode and decided to take matters into my own hands. I went over to get his phone number, so you never know, we will see what happens…

KilimanjaroWe spent the day singing Christmas carols, when we could breathe, and we talked about our favourite Christmas memories. Of course this one will definately rank up there. This was especially brought home to us by the fact Sharon’s Mom, her 85 year old mother, sent homemade Christmas shortbread that all of us, including the crew, enjoyed.

Sandy brought a little tiny bottle of Champagne which we enjoyed with our Christmas meal.  So these Christmas memories will definitely rank up there with the best ever for each of us.

Well it is 6:00 PM now and time for bed. We will be up in a few hours to make our final ascent.  When we reach the summit most of you at home will be enjoying Christmas dinner. So please think of us and we will think of you.

Wow this is really happening! This is such an amazing journey. It is teaching us so much about ourselves, about the world and about each other. And we are all sending our love home. Take care and bye-bye for now.