December 23 – Day 3, Borranco Camp

View of camp at Borranco, our day 3 campThis is your reporter Sharon reporting in at the end of Day Three.  We had a terrific day today.  We awoke this morning to find ice on our tents, which gave us all a shock and was a reminder that as we are going higher it is getting colder!  We have had amazing views both by moonlight at night and during the day.  We stand there in awe at the beauty many times each day.  But as we get closer to the peak it is looking more daunting.  We are determined, but as we get closer to our objective it is looking both scary and exciting. 

We have all felt some effects of the altitude but we are all ok and will carry on.  We all have a positive attitude.  We have been laughing because on this climb we are all consuming as much sugar and salt as we possibly can.  It is not too often we get to do that in our lives, but we know we need it here. 

We left the Moor Land zone and moved into the Alpine Desert today.  We had lunch at about 15,000 feet, which was our highpoint for the day.  Everyone felt very good as we began to descend from there. 

Breach wall of Kili from Borranco Camp

This group has a strong sense of team work and perseverance.  And we have learned a lot about the qualities that it takes to work together.  We have appreciated having assistant guides Filipian carry Annette’s pack and Stratton carry Kevin’s pack.  This is a great team of staff working with us.  August is doing a wonderful job of keeping us on the right path.  He has been great. In fact all 23 of the crew, the assistant guides, the porters the cooks everyone has been wonderful.

Everyone is enjoying dinner right now (laughter heard in the background).  We will chat tomorrow.