November 22, 2007– Sea Lion Play and Sunset

One of the beautiful Islands of the Galapagos

It is 5:30 in the afternoon on the 22. I am calling you from a view point of Bartholome, we are about 140meters above the water right now,... [ lost transmission]... there is a full moon which has already risen and a pale blue sky off in the distance.

RichardWe have had an amazing day today. We woke up early with our boat still navigating along the islands. Most of us got up about 5:30-6 and watched the wildlife on the shore along the way and enjoyed the fact that we were really and truly in Galapagos, an amazing place.

Some of us went snorkeling twice today, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Others lounged on the boat and we did do some hikes. The sea lions remain our favorite. After snorkeling today, Barb started playing fetch with a sea lion, which had approached her with a stick its mouth. She would throw it; the sea lion would run and get it then bring it back to her. She would then throw it into the water; the sea lion would swim out for it and bring it back to her again. One time when she decided to hold the stick for a while, the sea lion gathered some seaweed in his mouth as if to say ‘I don’t need you to have fun.’

The wildlife around us is amazing, I could go on and on. We will try and get more photos to you in the next couple of days.

This is a wild, untamed, and remarkable place. The beauty around us just never stops. Were constantly looking around; whether we are on the boat, on the shore or walking.

The adventure is not quite over yet, it’s windy up here but we are going to stay and watch the sunset. Then we will return to the boat for what should be a really nice BBQ this evening out on the upper deck. We will report to you again tomorrow as we head back to Baltra and then back to Quito. Once in Quito, it will mean home this weekend for most of us here.

We are still having a great time, and stay tuned for some more reports with all we have seen.


The gang again

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