August 6, 2002 - Expedition off to a great start

This is Wally Berg calling in on August 6th at 6 a.m. to get started with the Berg Adventures dispatches for our Elbrus climbing season and of course our adventures in St. Petersburg and Moscow for these next two trips.

I am starting a bit late but things have been busy, wonderfully busy I might say, as we spent long days in these great cities, St. Petersburg and Moscow. I am calling you right now from Red Square at about six in the morning as I said. Just twenty-four hours ago (unintelligible conversation)... portion of the group stepped off the night train from Moscow that we took down from St. Petersburg. About one hour later Moll stepped off onto the same platform and was met by Elenya. Our agent brought Donna into the Hotel Savoy, which is our hotel in Moscow. Hotel Savoy is right down the street from Red Square. The rest of the people are just getting up and getting ready to go today.

I had some adventures with our friends.(Unintelligible conversation) We are all in Moscow together now.(Unintelligible conversation) Elenya has been driving us around... these ladies can pack in a pretty nice shopping spree. . .with the new Koflach boots. There are some pretty nice mountaineering clothes.

Lots of other adventures and stories to tell you from these cities. I am going to work through that just a bit at a time as we can. But for now this cybercast is once again from Red Square just to get us going. These are different and very interesting cities...(traffic noise) We'll tell you some more stories as this goes on.

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Above: Comet Hale-Bopp over Mt. Elbrus from Pik Terskol, Caucasus, April '97. ©"Observers",