July 21 - The Day Before the Storm!

1. Deborah, Karen and Gretchen, BAI's Babes relax by the Barrels

Deborah, Karen and Gretchen, BAI’s Babes relax by the Barrels

2. Enjoying another good laugh - Denio thought it was so funny he cried

Enjoying another good laugh – Denio thought it was so funny he cried

George calling his wife Janeen in Westbrook, Conneticut

George calling his wife Janeen in Westbrook, Conneticut
from a satellite phone

Karen socializes with our Russian guides Yury, Alex and Alexxs son Felix

Karen socializes with our Russian guides Yury, Alex and Alex’s son Felix

Above: Comet Hale-Bopp over Mt. Elbrus from Pik Terskol, Caucasus, April '97. ©"Observers", AlltheSky.com