November 10, 2007 – Everest Base Camp

Team at Base Camp

We awoke to a blazing sun on a half inch of snow.  After a nice warm breakfast, we headed back up tDarren makes it to Base camp wearing his Yankee hato Kala Patar to get all the pictures that we were unable to get the day before.  After pictures, we said good-by to Paul as he headed out to Island Peak with John, Don, and Jack.  Then we discovered the “adventure” component of the Berg Adventure.

Ang Temba took us on a cross country trek to join up with the trail to the Base Camp.  This turned out to be a unique experience as we blazed a trail that for centuries will be known as the “Temba Trail”, assuming anyone else will ever want to go that way again.  In the true spirit of the early pioneers, Temba moved out ahead to explore the best way down.  Some of the rejected ways became the best way after exploring other alternatives.  Eventually we did meet up with the main trail and headed out to the Base Camp.

TPaul leaves our team to climb Island Peak with our Ama dablam teamhe trail itself was quite unique.  Because the glacier is always in motion, the Sherpas built a trail on the ridge adjacent to the glacier.  We were able to observe the many features of the glacier as we trekked on down.  Eventually the ridge ended and we crossed over onto the glacier.  The highlight of this part of the trek was watching and listening to the numerous avalanches as they thundered down the mountain. 

Just before we arrived in Base Camp, Darren thought that he heard someone say that Base Camp was closed.  That caused him to remark that if Base Camp really was closed, the Berg family was going to receive a strongly worded letter.  We moved on into Base Camp and saw the tent city that was set up in support of the Thai expedition that was attempting the summit.  The Khumbu ice fall was quite impressive, but no one expressed any interest in taking a shot at it.

Steve relaxing on the trail to base camp and enjoying the mountain views

As the snow started to fall, we bundled up and headed on back to Gorak Shep.  It was another great day of trekking and we were all pretty tired puppies.  We will all be in bed before 8:00 in preparation for the start of our descent tomorrow.

All Text, Images and Audio Files © Berg Adventures International 2007

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