September 17, 2006 - Everest Base Camp Support Trekkers Arrive in Kathmandu

Our welcome dinner was great

This is Leila Silveira reporting from Kathmandu on September 17th. The entire team is here; actually Steve, Matt and Libby arrived on the 16th after a long direct flight without the usual stopover in Bangkok.  They have been resting and enjoying the luxuries of our hotel as well as doing some last minute shopping in Thamel. Steve quickly updated his GPS so that he can use it around Kathmandu and is already walking around our hotel and to Thamel without a problem. 

Jim, Maria, Karen and Cami arrived todayCami, Maria, Karen and Jim arrived today on Thai Airlines and they looked happy and thrilled to be here.  After a few hours rest we met for our team briefing where we talked about our plans and schedule.  After the briefing we made our way to one of Berg Adventure’s favorite restaurants in Thamel for the welcome dinner. The dinner was great with an amazing menu, such as tenderloin steak, which for myself after 3 weeks in the mountains eating yak steak tasted awesome.

Steve brought us a great surprise, a copy of our daily schedule on the mountain, including all the villages with their GPS location, elevation, distances and notes. He did a great job! The walk with the team to Thamel is always entertaining; we had locals approaching our group trying to sell all kind of souvenirs and Maria was absolutely entertained with all the offers, wishing that she hadn’t left her video camera at the hotel. We even had a Holy man following us! 

Leila and Jim happy to be in KathmanduLibby, Matt and Steve Davis

Now we are ready for a good night sleep in our comfortable hotel because we have lots of plans for tomorrow, including our city tour, getting organized and packing to leave for the mountain the following day.

All Text, Images and Audio Files © Berg Adventures International 2006

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