May 16, 2006 - Our Final Day in Namche Bazaar

Doc sits for an hour and a half watching the construction of Anu’s new lodge

It’s May 16th and today was really our Namche Bazaar day.  It was Doug who said early this morning, "you know this is great because when I came through Namche the first time I was still trying to acclimatize and I didn’t feel very good but now I really want to get down and explore Namche and see what this town’s about because I feel great now."  I think everyone can report that was the case today. 

Tim goes with Nilu to visit the school in NamcheWe saw so many old friends.  Doc sat for more than an hour and a half and watched my friend Anu’s construction crew build on to his new lodge.  We all had several cups of tea, colas and various things to eat with friends in different lodges around town.  Tim went off with Nilu, the young Sherpa woman who is a school teacher here and visited the school.  Opus and Jim Barr said they wanted some exercise so this morning with Nima, their Sherpa guide, I couldn’t believe it but they ascended more than 2000 ft (610m) above Namche to a memorial that was built for a wife and daughter who are friends of mine.  They did that entire ascent in 1 hour and then came back into Namche for shopping and some socializing.

As you can tell we are having a great time with friends here in Namche and tomorrow we are going to descend down to the Dudh Kosi River and Phakding on our way back to Lukla and ultimately on our way home via Kathmandu.

Opus cuddles his new friend Sweetie

All Text, Images and Audio Files © Berg Adventures International 2006

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