June 20, 2007 – Condoriri Base Camp


Ay Caramba.  We have finally reached our base camp after leaving Copacabana and driving on main roads and jeep track for about an hour.  We made our way to plaza de llamas where our gear was loaded onto pack animals and then we started our approach to Condoriri base camp.  The hike to base camp takes about 3 hours and follows a well-defined track.

After about a half an hour we crested a ridge and were treated to the magnificent view of Cabeza de Condor, it is reminiscent of the Matterhorm and is really an impressive sight.  And after a solid day of hiking and elevation gain close to 1000 meters or 3,300 feet everyone was treated to a hot meal.  Jim, Jack and Jamie devoured the lamb that our cook Charlie prepared for us.  It is great to see these guys with solid appetites.

We are pretty close to the equator here and the days are much shorter than they are back in Georgia and Alberta, which is where our team is from.  So with another great day behind us we made it to our tents and we will spend our first night sleeping over 15,000 feet (4600m) and we are hoping it will be a restful one.

All Text, Images and Audio Files © Berg Adventures International 2007

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