November 15 - More Photos from Pangboche

Jennifer and Ang Temba watch on as the other members are blessed by the Lama
Jennifer and Ang Temba watch on as the other members are
blessed by the Lama

Lama Geshi
Lama Geshi came from Tibet Pangboche during the Cultural Revolution in China , when Tibet was invaded.  His blessing’s for climbing expeditions are known to be thoughtful and powerful

Da Sona and Nima Tashi, our climbing Sherpas for Ama Dablam, after their blessing
Da Sona and Nima Tashi, our climbing Sherpas for Ama Dablam, after their blessing

Lama Geshi

Our objective:

Ama Dablam
Nepal Himalaya

22,494 feet
6857 meters

First Ascent:

March 13, 1961
Barry Bishop
Wally Ramanes
Mike Gill
Mike Ward