Bolivia Expedition Dispatch
August 11, 2014 – David Cohn Arrives in La Paz
Dave Cohn has arrived on Saturday, August 8th. Everything was OK, no lost luggage.
Tomorrow we are going to make a city tour and by the afternoon we are planning to visit a Street market in El Alto (this market is considered one of the biggest markets in South America).
Sunday we made a different city tour, David wanted to have a different experience, learn how the local people live.
So we decided to take our new way of transportation, the cable car, which has recently been opened to the public. It connects La Paz city with El Alto city, so we used it and visited the 16 de Julio market, considered one of biggest in South America.
Then we went to the south part of La Paz to see how people from a different social status live.
Today we arrived in Copacabana after an interesting visit to Tiwanaku ruins, besides, we had a sunny day which made a day perfect.