Anyone who has been to the summit of Kilimanjaro will remember the motivation to take the final steps to the top of the mountain: a historic, weather beaten wooden sign that already looked familiar to them from photos they had seen in books. For years climbers have taken photos in front of it, hung flags around it and felt accomplished by seeing the words “Congratulations, you are now at Uhuru Peak”.
In March of 2012 the old crooked, weather beaten sign was taken down and replaced with a new one. It was plastic! And it was a very odd shade of green that did not show well in photos. At the same time a green plastic sign was placed on the Crater Rim at Stella Point. It was still an emotional and gratifying moment to reach the Crater Rim and have BAI chef Yona hand you a can of Red Bull with a smile; but somehow the moment just did not seem the same in photos.
We appreciate the action taken by KINAPA, Kilimanjaro Park. They listened to the guides and climbers from around the world who said, “bring back the wooden sign.”
Berg Adventures Kilimanjaro team reached the Summit on August 11th to find a new sign welcoming them to the highest point in Africa. The more photogenic wooden sign will be a part of climbers experience on Kilimanjaro for many years to come and our team members were excited to be one of the first to make memories in front of it.
To have your chance to stand proud in front of the new summit sign, join us from December 20 – January 2 as we return to make another ascent to the rooftop of Africa! Contact our office for details!